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Warsaw, Poland, November 2011:.View of Ursynow housing estate, where employees of Ekon collecty recyclable materials..Ekon Association in Warsaw is a recycling plant that provides jobs for people with learning difficulties or mental health issues; who would otherwise find it difficult to get work. .(Photo by Piotr Malecki / Napo Images)..Warszawa, Listopad 2011:.Widok osiedla Ursynow, na ktorym Ekon prowadzi zbiorke surowcow wtornych. Ekon zajmuje sie recyklingiem odpadow i zatrudnia ludzi uposledzonych, lub chorych psychicznie, ktorzy inaczej mieliby trudnosci ze znalezieniem pracy..Fot: Piotr Malecki / Napo Images.

Warsaw, Poland, November 2011:.View of Ursynow housing estate, where employees of Ekon collecty recyclable materials..Ekon Association in Warsaw is a recycling plant that provides jobs for people with learning difficulties or mental health issues; who would otherwise find it difficult to get work. .(Photo by Piotr Malecki / Napo Images)..Warszawa, Listopad 2011:.Widok osiedla Ursynow, na ktorym Ekon prowadzi zbiorke surowcow wtornych. Ekon zajmuje sie recyklingiem odpadow i zatrudnia ludzi...
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Filename: Napo_20120112pm_044.JPG
From gallery: Ekon
Date: 10 Jan 2012
Location: Warsaw Poland
Credit: Piotr Malecki / Napo Images
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
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