Paulsgrove near Portsmouth, Great Britain, April 2010:.William Clark, 71 years old guest at the "The cross keys" community pub in Paulsgrove near Portsmouth. He's been coming here for tens of years. Almost all guests here are local people who know each other well and meet here everyday..This is the last pub that remains from six that used to operate here. All others have been closed and turned into flats..(Photo by Piotr Malecki / Napo Images)..Paulsgrove kolo Portsmouth, Wielka Brytania, Kwiecien 2010:.William Clark, 71, gosc pubu "The cross keys". Przychodzi tu od dziesiecioleci. Prawie wszyscy goscie tutaj to stali bywalcy i mieszkancy okolicznych domow, ktorzy znaja sie dobrze i spotykaja tu codziennie. Ten pub jest ostatnim z szesciu ktory dziala w Paulsgrove. Wszystkie inne zostaly zamkniete i przerobione na mieszkania..Fot: Piotr Malecki / Napo Images